
Transforming lives for the glory of Christ


Equipping and empowering the people of First Presbyterian to transform our communities and the world through the grace of Jesus


* The deeply held principles that guide our behavior and decision-making that are distinct to our church
*  Based upon our beliefs found in ECO’s Essential Tenets and are consistent with our Mission and Vision

Because our Values are rooted in the authority of God’s Word and the power of the Gospel, the Spirit leads us to engage positively in:
Spirit-led Worship: In joy and delight, we gather to worship in the presence of the Living God who alone is worthy to receive our praise for who He is and what He has done. Biblically based and theologically Reformed, the fruit of our worship is a transformed identity, faithfulness in holiness and mission, and glory to the name of Jesus (Col. 3:16-17; John 14:15).

Disciple-Making: We equip everyday people—in whom God is already working—to encounter Him, to obey His commandments, and to multiply other disciples. In consideration of their giftedness, spiritual maturity, and stage in life (Eph. 4:7), we do this to obey the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20)

Missional Living: We equip ourselves to intentionally scatter both as individuals and as micro-expressions of the church into the places where we live, work, learn, and play. We do this to bring a Gospel presence into the various sectors of our communities (Acts 8:1-8) and to fulfill our unique calling as a church and as individuals (Eph. 2:10).

Deeper Community: Because the Gospel creates community (Acts 2:42-47; Jn. 13:34-35), we will develop authentic relationships where people are invited and challenged in a loving and caring manner to be transformed into the image of Christ and mobilized for leadership.

Kingdom Networking: We humbly accept the call to participate in God’s movement to advance the Gospel. For maximum Kingdom impact, we network with other like-minded believers on local, denominational, and international levels (Acts 1:8; Luke 12:48).

Proactive Innovation: We are attentive to the ways in which God is sovereignly working in the world so we can creatively communicate the unchanging good news of the Gospel to a culture that is constantly changing (John 5:17). We pray for and seek new opportunities that stretch us to rely upon God so that we may bring His light and grace to our community and beyond.