Volunteer Info: Children's Ministry
Thank you for your interest in learning more about serving on the Children's Ministry team! Please review our Volunteer Positions below and contact Judy Gutierrez at jgutierrez@firstpresgreenville.org for any questions.
Children's Ministry Volunteer Positions
Children's Ministry Volunteer Form
Background Check
To volunteer with children or youth at First Presbyterian Church, a background check is required. Click the button below.
Background Check

Stewards of Children Training
At First Presbyterian Church we take the safety of all who worship with us very seriously. In accordance with our security policies, all volunteers who work with children or youth are required to complete Stewards of Children training prior to their first time serving. Click Here to take the two-hour course online. (Click “Online Training,” then “Individual,” make an account, and follow the prompts to check out.)
Children's Ministry Handbook
Children's Ministry Handbook