Event Details

Roots Upstream: Jr. High Spring Retreat

Roots Upstream: Jr. High Spring Retreat

We are going to be staying at Camp Thunderbird and then going to the National Whitewater Center on Saturday for an action packed day of their choice of zip lines or high ropes courses, as well as whitewater rafting.

Here's all of the info you need to know:
Who: All junior high students, grades 6th to 8th
When: We will leave at 4:00pm on April 11th and return April 13th around 1:00pm
Where: Charlotte, NC
How Much: $215 (if you need financial assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. We have scholarships available for students)

Volunteers needed! If you want to come with us we'd love to have you.

Registration for Upstream opens March 13th at 6:00pm!