Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

Music & Worship Arts


Friday, September 27, will live in the memory of so many of us due to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. Here in Greenville, property has been badly damaged, neighborhoods have been isolated, schools have closed, significant flooding has taken place, many lost power for several days, while others are still waiting for the power to be restored.

Further to the north and west many communities have experienced catastrophic damage as buildings and homes have been washed away and sadly many have lost their lives. Please be in prayer for those wrestling with a sense of loss due to the loss of a family member. The overwhelming and sudden nature of their grief is significant, and we pray that God’s presence and tender touch will bring comfort amidst the pain.

Many are currently involved in relief efforts for those affected by the storm. If you wish to help, we have listed below two agencies, along with a churchwide food collection for local EMS personnel.

Samaritan’s Purse has established five sites for relief work. To donate, click here.
Miracle Hill Ministries in Greenville has immediate needs at its rescue missions and addiction recovery centers. To donate, click here.
Greenville County EMS has established a food bank for their personnel and families. Please bring one or two non-perishable food items to church and place them in the receptacles in Memorial Hall, and the reception areas by the main office and by the Worship & Arts Center.

First Presbyterian is a missional church, meaning that our focus is on Jesus’ command to go into all the world and be his ambassadors, adopting a missionary stance in relation to our culture. It is our intention as a congregation to embody this missional aspect of Christian discipleship.

The Church is wherever followers of Jesus are in the world. Our vision is to participate in God’s global plan to bring Him glory from all the people groups of the earth as well as our community. Our mission is to offer a balanced, biblical, and strategic evangelistic and cross-cultural ministry through FPC in fulfillment of Jesus’ mandate to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). See below how you can be actively involved in a missional lifestyle through outreach projects, support of missionaries, agencies, and organizations, and mission education.

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International Missions

Our vision to share the gospel on every continent is being realized. From our mission work in the Dominican Republic to supporting an Iranian sister church in England and sister churches in Egypt, we are experiencing God at work through His kingdom around the globe.

Missions at FPC


You don’t have to travel far to make an impact. We have a number of local partnerships and serving opportunities for you, your family, or your Sunday Life Group. You can make an impact right where you are by faithfully praying for our team members on mission trips, our leaders, and our partners around the world.  Here are a few ways you may want to serve in Missions. See the Mission Opportunities section below for upcoming events.

 • Attend or serve at the annual FPC Missions Conference at the church
 • Give to Missions Scholarships
 • Attend a Perspectives Course
 • Attend or sponsor someone for a Medical, Family, or Youth Mission Trips

Areas of specific outreach are available to members to provide hands-on help in our community. They include:

 • Hollis Academy Elementary School
 • Neighborhood Focus
 • Glory Ridge
 • Boxes of Love
 • Homes of Hope
 • Restoration La Romana (Dominican Republic)
 • Cross Cultural Network
 • Bel-Aire Community Outreach
 • Miracle Hill Ministries

Mission Partners

Missions USA

A Child's Haven
Treating children with developmental delays as a result of limited resources, abuse, or neglect

Barry and Susan Bouchillon, CRU Clemson
Ministering to Clemson University students and faculty

Bel Aire/KB Charitable Trust
Evangelizing and rebuilding one of Greenville’s inner-city neighborhoods

Center for Deveopmental Services
Providing resources to children and individuals with delays and disabilities

Child Evangelism Fellowship (Good News Club)
Leading children to a saving knowledge of Christ through afterschool evangelical programs

Christian Learning Center
Providing students in Greenville public schools with Released-time Christian educational programs

Cross Culture Network
Ministering to international students at Clemson University

Eden Farms
Therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with disabilities

FCA Clemson
Influencing athletics at Clemson University to make an impact for Christ

FCA Furman
Influencing athletics at Furman University to make an impact for Christ

Glory Ridge
Christian camp in Madison County, NC hosting retreats, workcamps, and community outreach

Greenville Free Medical
Greenville-based medical ministry established for local residents who are unable to afford medical care

Hollis Elementary
Providing resources to support teachers and students at local this elementary school

Homes of Hope
Building affordable, energy-efficient homes in mixed-income neighborhoods for low income residents

Jim Green, Jesus Film Project
Bringing the message of God's love through JESUS film showings, discipling new believers, training leaders and planting churches

Transforming the lives of prisoners from the inside out

Lifeline Children's Services
Christian adoption and foster care services

Miracle Hill
Providing extensive services in the form of food, shelter, clothing, personal development, addiction recovery, and foster care

Neighborhood Focus
Creating hope for Greenville’s at-risk students through Christ-centered educational and social enrichment

Paul and Sue Johnson, CRU
Helping business owners and professionals serve Christ through working relationships

Piedmont Women's Center
Christian support organization for pregnant women and girls in need of guidance, resources, encouragement, and counseling

Project Host
Soup kitchen providing meals in Greenville, and training unemployed and under-employed people for food service jobs

Rescue Mission
Providing emergency shelter for men from the dangers of living on the streets

Shepherd's Gate
Providing safe shelter for women and mothers with young children who are experiencing homelessness

Steven Hall, Send North America Ministries
Ministering to unreached people groups in remote areas and refugee communities

Summit Ministries
Christian outreach to residents of the nearby Greenville Summit apartments

Working to end sex trafficking by prevention, awareness, intervention and restoration

The Salvation Army
Providing food, shelter, and Christian counseling in Greenville

United Ministries
Empowering those on the transformative journey to self-sufficiency

Upstate Warrior Solution
Connecting veterans and their family members to resources, opportunities & self-empowerment

Young Life
Inviting young people in Greenville to experience life as God designed it to be lived

International Mission Partners

ECO Church Planters in Edinburgh, Scotland

Carolyn Rice
Pro-life ministries in the Nation of Georgia

Chinese Libraries (TOF)
Bible Study Libraries for Chinese Pastors

David & Susan Rice (TAP)
Ministry Suppport and Evangelism among Iranians in Liverpool, England

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Church planting and neighborhood development in the Dominican Republic

Egyptian Sister Church Partnership (TOF)
Church Planting through the Presbyterian Church of Egypt

Eric Swofford, Pars Theological Centre
Business Manager for Pars Theological Center in Farnborough, England

Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (TOF)
Seminary education for theoligical students in Egypt and beyond

Frontline Iranian Church
Evangelism and discipleship for Iranians in Liverpool, England

Georges Houssney, Horizon International
Evangelizes and disciples people from the Muslim world

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Christian outreach ministry serving at universities around the world

Iranian Bible Society
Bibles in the Farsi Language

Iraq Relief (TOF) Foundation
Assisting the ministries of the Presbyterian Churches in Iraq

Jad Ghrayyeb, Voice of Truth
Evangelizes and disciples Arabic speaking people

Jim Truesdell (FF)
Connects American Churches to unreached people groups around the world

Kamal Khlaif, CRU
Leads digital media ministries in Jordan

Liverpool Iranian Church (TOF)
Reaches the Iranian community in Liverpool, England for Christ

Pars Theological Centre
Trains leaders for the Worldwidwe Christian movement among Iranians

Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (FF)
Connects American Churches to unreached people groups around the world

Ramesh and Sheba Telore (TOF)
Equips a discipleship multiplication movement in an undisclosed area of India

Servants for Sight
Offers quality Christian eye care in the Greenville community and around the world

Shapoor and Yasamin Ahmadi (Frontline Church)
Reaches the Iranian community in Liverpool, England for Christ

The Antioch Partners
Deploys American missionaries around the world

The Outreach Foundation
Connects American Presbyterian Churches to God's mission around the world

Denominational Support

Christian Arabic Church of Richmond
ECO Church that reaches the Arabic speaking community in Richmond, VA

Our home denomination that equips Flourshing Churches that make Flourishing Disciples

ECO Brasil
Church planting movement in Brazil

ECO Church Planting
Resourcing new churches within the ECO denomination

Equiping and educating the church to minister the transforming grace and power of Jesus Christ to the sexualy conflicted

Denominational Institutions

Alpha USA
Basic course on the Christian faith for seekers

Perspectives Course
The premier course in North American on International Missions

Presbyterians Protecting Life
Resourcing Presbyterian Churches for Pro Life Ministries

The Foothills Retirement Community
Serving with compassion the physical, social, financial, and spiritual needs of senior adults

Theology Matters
Theological resource for Presbyterian Churches

Presbyterian-supported home and school located in Clinton, SC, for children from infancy to college

Mission Opportunities

Mission Resources