Meals and Menus

Meals & Menus Food Ministry

Wednesday Lunch and Supper

The lunch AND evening Pastor’s Bible study will continue in Fellowship Hall through June 5. Lunch will be available for the daytime study from 11:45am to 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall, but only dessert and beverages will be served in the evening.  

Watch for more information for the next Grow@First Weekly Discipleship coming soon.

Meals will resume in the Fall

Watch for the Grow@First brochure

and the weekly Connect@First newsletter

for details.


Adults - $10
Children aged 4-12 - $5
Children age 3 and under – Free
Family maximum - $35

Circle meals - $10
Men's Thursday Breakfast - $5
Men's Fellowship Lunch - $10
Wit & Wisdom meals - $10

For more information, please contact Bruce Blakely, at 864.565.0932 or