Women's Circles

Women's Circles

Monthly Bible Study • January–May

The Beginning of Wisdom (Proverbs Volume 1) by Joshua Ng
The book of Proverbs is the central wisdom book of the Old Test ament. Composed by different authors over a long period of time, Proverbs has much to teach us about living a faithful life in the 21st century. How does one gain wisdom? What does it mean to “fear” God? What distinguishes a wise person from a foolish one? Come join us as we unpack the riches of God’s Word as presented in the book of Proverbs!
Circle 1 
• Chair: Jane Sykes • jsykes156@gmail.com • 864.350.0906
• Date: 4th Tuesday • 11:30am • Location: Foothills Retirement Community
Circle 3 
• Chair: Grace Abrams • graceabrams@me.com • 864.483.3767
• Date: 2nd Thursday • 6:30pm • Location: Various locations: please contact leader
Circle 9 
• Chair: Hazel Townsend • hazelt@bellsouth.net • 864.320.9835
• Date: 2nd Friday • 10:00am • Location: Rolling Green Village, Blue Ridge Room E
Circle 10 
• Co-chairs: Carol Loyless • cgloyless@bellsouth.net • 864.244.0364
Lin Cundiff • lin.cundiff@gmail.com • 618.578.9224
• Date: 2nd Tuesday • 11:00am • Location: Formal Dining Room

Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur
In Twelve Extraordinary Women, bestselling author and Bible teacher John MacArthur shows us that the God to whom they were so faithful is the same God who continues to mold and guide us today. As you meet these women in Scripture and get to know more about their lives and characters, they will challenge you, motivate you, encourage you, and inspire you with love for the God whom they atrusted, serv ed, and loved, teaching us that: our personal struggles and temptations are the v ery same kinds of trials that all believ ers of all ages have confronted; even in the midst of our trouble, God remains eternally faithful; through God, anyone can become extraordinary. From Eve to the Samaritan Woman, these twelve women serve as reminders of both our frailty and our potential. Together, they point us to Christ and His grace.
Circle 6 
• Co-chairs: Arlene Antonio • acantonio@charter.net • 864.242.1168
Marie Comer • rierie512@gmail.com • 205.915.5752
• Date: 2nd Tuesday • 10:30am • Location: Room B303

The Book of Jeremiah
A study of the Bible book of Jeremiah. Using McGee’s little study book, material on Right Now media, and other sound commentaries to help with zeroing in on key ve rses, topics and precepts, this study will include a comprehensiv e overview and context of the chapters of Jeremiah, focusing on key verses and precepts relevant to our li ves, as well as applications we can make of them. 
Circle 7 
• Chair: Priscilla Marks • priscillamarks47@yahoo.com • 864.528.5347 
• Date: 2nd Tuesday • 10:30am • Location: Cascades Verdae Retirement Community 

Contact: Leah Cloud • 864.565.0931 • lcloud@firstpresgreenville.org to find a Circle that works best for you!